Before We Start Your Marketing

Bear Necessities Marketing is here to help you reach new customers from every corner online. Our expertise, resources, and deep commitment to our craft make us the ideal choice to meet your digital marketing needs. We don’t believe in gimmicks or short-term solutions. Our team excels at building meaningful relationships that translate into leads and customers regardless of changes in technology. This lays a foundation of long-term profitability and success – even in an unpredictable online environment. For us to be able to do that for you we have the following questions for you about your business.

What We Need to Know

To better help you market your business, there are a few questions we would like you to be able to answer so that we can better understand both your company and your customer base.

  • How quickly do you expect to see results? (Set expectations, be honest and don’t oversell; hiring a digital agency is usually a long-term play)
  • How well do you think your digital strategies are working together right now? Where do things break down or “silo?” Is it your website, content marketing, social media, etc.?
  • What are the FAQs by new/existing customers? (These are often good jumping-off points to develop a digital strategy)
  • What does your customer’s typical path to purchase look like?
  • What is your ideal level of involvement? Turnkey solution, supporting your internal team, or one-off consultation/strategy?
  • Which analytics and/or webmaster tools are you using right now, and is there an easy way to access them?
  • Which key marketing metrics are your top priority right now? How do you define success?
  • Which resources do you have available to work with our new agency?
  • Which steps have you taken to understand and/or segment your audience until this point? Do you have survey data? Have you created use cases or customer personas?

What This Helps BNM To Accomplish

  • Create a compelling business website that drives traffic and customers
  • Connect with users across multiple online traffic channels and deliver them to your business
  • Systematically build meaningful relationships with visitors and turn them into customers
  • Use data to better understand your target customers and optimize its marketing strategies over time

If you don’t invest in developing an irresistible online presence, it will miss the opportunity to reach an enormous group of new customers. This could result in a loss of market share and hurt your brand. If you are interested in growing your marketing and getting a free consultation please contact us here at Bear Necessities Marketing.

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